100AND10% design and activate TRX social media campaign

As the retained marketing, creative and PR for the UK arm of TRX, the industry leader in functional training and creators of Suspension Training 100AND10% was tasked with designing and implementing an innovative social media campaign for the brand in the lead up to Christmas.
Entitled “#12DaysOfTRXmas”, the campaign ran across the UK Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts and aimed to share a range of suspension training workouts; raising awareness of the brand by featuring a different TRX exercise every day for twelve days.
100AND10% reached out to TRX UK key accounts and target influencers to provide content for the campaign, with the request of either video or photo and accompanying instructional copy. All videos were edited in-house, to include front/end graphic and TRX branding and logo.
Contributors to the campaign included Virgin Active, Bannatyne, Fitness First, Xercise4less, 1Life and England Women’s goalkeeper Karen Bardsley with team S&C coach Mike Watts.
The “#12DaysOfTRXmas” campaign achieved its targets, increasing awareness and recognition of TRX in the UK across all three social media channels; the daily posts had a combined reach of 25.3K on Facebook, with the top performing post achieving a reach of >12,000. In total the videos had >5,000 views and the engagement and interaction with the brands followers was a major positive.
The campaign also provided an important platform for TRX to engage with its key clients and for the brand to offer wider marketing support; anecdotally, the feedback from all contributors was extremely positive.